Thursday, August 6, 2015

Character Assasination 2 Artshow

The finished pieces for the show (better pictures coming soon)

I was asked recently by Somos Gallery owner Will Devoe if I would like to submit some artwork for his First Friday show that he puts on every month.  I of course accepted and the theme that he chose for this months show is "Character Assasination - Original Character Artwork from Comic to Surreal".  So here are the two pieces that I did for the show.

I decided to take a new approach to these pieces to switch it up and see what else I could do artistically.  I do a lot of cut vinyl work in my graphic designer job and also for my side business, so I decided to take that and create some cool layered vinyl artwork.

I chose these characters based off of some old thumbnail sketches that I had in my sketchbooks.  I then scanned them in and reworked them all digitally in Photoshop and then finished the artwork in Adobe Illustrator to create the vector artwork for cutting the vinyl.  I am pretty happy with the way that they turned out, but I did learn a lot while creating these.  So the next time  I make something like this it will definitely make it easier to do.  Click on the image below to see an animated GIF of my process on one of these pieces I titled "Spike". 

Animated GIF of my process for "Spike"
Flyer for Somos Gallery - "Character Assasination 2"
A cool flyer for the art show at Somos Gallery